Tag Archives: mannequins

The day the music died

I just returned from the sun and sand.

But before I left, I couldn’t help but think there has been a strange sense of normalcy in the air lately. I’ve been confused by the lack of creepy pandas, 80s mannequins, naked mannequins or dueling Elvi around the neighborhood lately.


The sight of this stopped me in my tracks a few weeks ago:

Someone's CD collection near the corner of Pearl on Chicago and Franklin

Is this your CD collection spilled on the sidewalk of Chicago and Franklin?

Two discs spilling out near the street

Let’s make up some hypotheses about how these CDs got there, shall we?

  1. A jilted lover seeks revenge on her music-loving boyfriend by tossing his music collection to the street.
  2. A belly dancer loses her performance set, running late for a show (the only legible CD said “Belly Dance Songs,” after all)
  3. A teenager, desperate for a new CD collection, tosses his current rotation on the street, claiming it was “stolen.”

Cast your vote. While none of these hypotheses are exciting, I still am curious as to how they got there.


Filed under Chicago, city life, neighborhoods, Weird

Yard sale jackpot

Living in Lakeview, I had forgotten about the concept of yard sales. Because most people on the northside live in large apartment buildings, there is a lack of yards and garages. Hence, very few yard or garage sales. My unwanted items during this chapter either went to Salvation Army or to my mom’s for yard sale-ing. Thanks, Mom.

On the westside, most people live in three flats or tiny houses with yards, therefore, making yard sales possible. My friend Andrea and I actually hosted one a few months back. I managed to get rid of some stuff and make $50. Success! Since I failed to take photos that day, I stole these from Casey:

Dre stylishly holding down the fort. I think I ended up giving away the chair she was sitting in.

Hi. This is Andrea. Isn't she stylishly holding down the fort?

Joe discovered the liberation of "yarn bras." And mostly napped.

Joe discovered the liberating feeling afforded by a "yarn bra." And mostly napped.

There are yard sales over here EVERY weekend. I am intrigued by the range of advertising strategies:

Some employ a modest, straightforward approach.

Some employ modest, straightforward approaches.

Some use elaborate, artistic spray painted flyers. I saw many flyers for this particular yard sale, each more colorful and elaborate than the next.

Others use elaborate, artistically spray paint techniques. There were many versions of this flyer, each more colorful than the next.

A select few use mannequins to market for them. Yes, this neighborhood has a thing for mannequins.

Mannequins work for a select few. Yes, this neighborhood has a thing for mannequins.

I usually don’t hang out at the yard sales. I have the same aversion to them as I do stores like TJ Maxx or Loehmann’s. Love the concept, but lack the patience to dig to find what I want. However, I stumbled upon two today and hit the jackpot. All discovered items were actually things I needed or was in the market for.

A set of espresso cups and saucers. Aren't these adorable? I was informed by their former owner that they are intended for Turkish coffee.

A set of espresso cups and saucers. Aren't these adorable? I was informed by their former owner that they're actually intended for Turkish coffee. Same idea. I made some espresso immediately upon returning home. And washing.

These are actually better quality than the Forever 21 versions they're replacing. Let's not lose these, too.

These are better quality than the Forever 21 version they're replacing. Let's not lose these, too.

I've been eyeing these exact pair of gray Levi's at the Levi store for a few months. These fit perfectly (such an anomoly) and were $67 cheaper. Deal of the century.

I've been eying these exact pair of gray Levi's at the Levi's store for a few months. These fit perfectly (such an anomaly) and were $67 cheaper! Deal of the century.

Since I failed to purchase clothing such as tank tops and summer dresses, I'm in quite the predicament for my upcoming trip to Cabo.

Since I failed to purchase clothing such as tank tops and summer dresses this season, I'm in quite the predicament for my upcoming trip to Cabo. Suddenly, not so bad.

The grand total for these treasures? $9! I might be a convert.

Just please have an intervention with me if I become a fan of “Yard Sales” on Facebook.

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Filed under Chicago, city life, fashion, neighborhoods, shopping, Ukrainian Village

Mannequin…more than a killer 80s movie

It seems that everyone is sporting 80s-inspired fashion these days. Especially the kids in my neighbors.

Even the mannequins are doing it. Yep, you read this correctly. I said mannequins.

These are two fashionable mannequins. Notice the bright colors and Max Hedstrom-style shades.

These are two quite fashionable mannequins. It's hard to make out, but notice the bright colors and Max Headstrom-style shades.

Pardon the glare. I was trying not to be creepy. I think I failed.

Pardon the glare. I was trying not to be creepy with my photo taking. I think I failed.

I’m no longer surprised by the oddities I see in my neighborhood. It really is a Bermuda Triangle of Weirdness. I was surprised, however, to learn that the movie Mannequin grossed $42 million in theaters. Who would have guessed?


Filed under fashion, neighborhoods, Ukrainian Village, Weird